What Makes PlethoraTone Unique?

A truly one-of-a-kind recording experience

The People

At PlethoraTone, we love supporting and connecting creative people. We provide a sonic sanctuary where the music community can create, perform, think, experiment, tinker, tweak, and question, all in the name of musical excellence. Music is our passion. People create music. Creative people love PlethoraTone.

The Space

Every room at PlethoraTone is professionally designed to be an acoustically balanced space. The dimensions are calculated to yield tonal quality and maximize usable area. PlethoraTone is a sonic chameleon — able to cater to your creative needs. Want something to sound warm and close? How about live and vibrant? Do you want maximum isolation between players or everyone together in the same room? You can do it at PlethoraTone.

The Environment

PlethoraTone is private, relaxed, non-stressful, and comfortable. On the studio vibe continuum between high art and “Garage Mahal,” PlethoraTone is perfectly balanced with some mad scientist laboratory thrown in for good measure. When you’re here, you can feel free to work hard and have a lot of fun while doing it.

The Gear

A lot of studios have a staggering gear collection from a “who’s who” of manufacturers. At PlethoraTone, our racks do boast some real stunner pieces. However, we love co-mingling those pieces with anything unique, obscure, and flavorful. In the end, the sound that comes out of the speakers is your statement to the world. We provide an arsenal of specialized tools, vintage and modern, colored and clean, wacky and sensible, to help you craft that statement at PlethoraTone.

The Backline


Whatever you play, we have something for you here at PlethoraTone. Whether you like to mic a cab or play direct, we have lots of options for you. Experiment with our ridiculous stompbox collection to sculpt your sound.


Enjoy an insane number of sonic possibilities at PlethoraTone. Connect your guitar to dozens of real amplifier combinations at the push of a button. Interface with stacks of speaker cabinets for every kind of tone! Be free with tie lines in every recording room to allow you to record where you want. Tons of stompboxes spanning six decades as well as rackmount tone enhancers and manglers to play with. Do you like transistors? So do we! How about vacuum tubes? Uncanny! We love them!


Oh how we love eclectic electric! Whether the classic beauty of the Hammond M3/Leslie 147 pairing to analog synths from vintage Moogs to Waldorf, PlethoraTone has something unique for you. Come play our original Emulator II (and its library of samples on 5.25” floppy disks) along with the Roland Super Jupiter MKS80 (and accompanying programmer). Not enough for you? Add the sound of eight real Yamaha DX-7s with the vintage Yamaha TX-816. Auditioning sounds on the session is easy with our integrated patchbay and localized mixer.


In our partnership with Chris Brush Drums, we boast killer drums and sounds. Find the right smack for your song from a variety of different, specialized snare drums by Ludwig, Gretsch, Allegra, and more. Discover the perfect sound for your session with kit combinations ranging from vintage to modern shell construction. Accent your music with a cornucopia of cymbals from trashy to classy. After all that, put the finishing touch on your tracks with something from our reserve of percussive playthings.